
MadLove (Infinity Music)

Music is diverse and comes in many different genres. MadLove is the first rock band we've ever featured here at soulToniq. They are a five man rock band based in Johannesburg and they've been together for five years. 

Amongst the musicians and bands they count as influences on their music are U2, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Goo Goo Dolls, Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins. They've performed at various venues around Johannesburg and Gauteng and have even appeared on Yo-TV.

The five talented individuals that make up this band are as follows:

Shahir Chundra - Lead Vocals/Keyboards.
Nikolai Viedge - Lead Guitar/Keyboards.
Shahan Chundra - Rhythm Guitar.
Shakti Satyapal - Drums.
Grant Sissons - Bass Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals.

They've released a number of tracks and performed covers of a few popular rock song such as Use Somebody by Kings of Leon. We look forward to watching them play at Staged, hosted by soulToniq at Hotel Lamunu.

You can check out some of their live performances on their YouTube channel and some of their tracks on their MySpace page

Find more artist and band profiles on our Featured Artists page

Contact details:
Shahir Chundra 0723555786


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